Craig’s Top 5 best books to understand how creative destruction leads to economic prosperity and national security
January 27, 2025, Shepherd
Craig’s review of NATE SiLver’s on the edge: the art of Risking Everything
September 20, 2024, New York Journal of Books
Craig’s review of KEYU JIN’s The New China PLayBOOK: Beyond socialism and capitalism
October 20, 2023, New York Journal of Books
Lecture, Lessons Learned from 50 Years of Energy Crisis and Change
September 15, 2023, Men of Westminster Breakfast, Alexandria, Virginia
Craig’s review of Mark Robert Rank’s The poverty Paradox: understanding economic hardship amid american prosperity
April 24, 2023, New York Journal of Books
Craig’s review of Philip BumP’s The Aftermath: The Last days of The baby boom and the future of Power in America
February 24, 2023, New York Journal of Books
Craig’s review of Ray dalio’s Principles for Dealing with the Changing World Order: Why Nations Succeed and Fail
November 30, 2021, New York Journal of Books
Craig’s Letter to the Editor of The WaShington Post, “The Post-pandemic economy”
August 26, 2021
PUBLIC Lecture, John Carroll University Alumni Author Series on Simply Electrifying
May 5, 2021
Craig’s review of Philippe Aghion, Céline Antonin, And Simon Bunel’s The Power of Creative Destruction: Economic Upheaval and the Wealth of Nations
April 21, 2021, New York Journal of Books
Craig’s Letter to the Editor of The Wall STreet Journal, “Democratic Capitalism is our not-so-secret weapon”
August 17, 2020
Interview with CLaire Volkwyn, Editor, Smart Energy International
August 14, 2020
Listen to Interview Online Here
Craig’s review of joseph e. Stiglitz’s People, pOwer, and Profits: progressive capitalism for an age of discontent
June 25, 2019, New York Journal of Books
Craig’s review of David wallace-well’s THE uninhabitable earth: Life after warming
June 3, 2019, New York Journal of Books
Craig’s review of JOseph C. Sternbeg’s THE Theft of a decade: how the baby boomers stole the Millenials’ economic future
May 14, 2019, New York Journal of Books
Craig’s review of James o’toole’s THE enlightened capitalists: cautionary tales of business pioneers who tried to do well by doing good
April 29, 2019, New York Journal of Books
Lecture on Capitalism vs. Socialism: “Creative destruction” In The Electricity Business
April 3, 2019, 5:00 p.m., John Carroll University, O’Dea Room Lombardo Student Center, University Heights, Ohio
Interview with Jim Blasingame, The Small Business Advocate Show
March 18, 2019, 7:06 a.m. to 7:30 a.m.
Listen to Interview Online Here
Craig’s review of Paul collier’s THE FUture of Capitalism: Facing the new Anxieties
January 9, 2019, New York Journal of Books
Craig’s review of Alan Greenspan and Adrian Wooldridge’s CApitalism in America: A History
December 11, 2018, New York Journal of Books
Craig’s review of Isabel Sawhill’s The Forgotten Americans: An Economic Agenda for a divided nation
October 1, 2018, New York Journal of Books
CHINESE PUblication of Simply Electrifying by Citic
Summer 2018
Interview with Jim Blasingame, The Small Business Advocate Show
July 5, 2018, 7:06 a.m. to 7:30 a.m.
Listen to Interview Online Here
Axiom Business Book Awards
May 29, 2018, 8:30 a.m. to 10:30 a.m., COVINA in the Park South Hotel, New York City
April 12, 2018, 6:00 p.m. to 7:30 p.m., Duquesne Club, 325 Sixth Avenue, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Keynote Speaker, Edison electric institute's 3rd Annual Global electrification Forum
April 11, 2018, Edison Electric Institute Headquarters, Washington DC
April 5, 2018, 6:00 p.m, The Old Town Shop, 105 South Union Street, Alexandria, Virginia
Presentation And Book signing
Sponsored by Rich Rosenthal Brincefield Manitta Dzubin & Kroeger, LLP. February 1, 2018, Alexandria, Virginia
Presentation on the Lessons of History for the Emergence of New Technologies
Sponsored by Bates White, LLC. October 19, 2017, Washington DC
Presentation to selected practices in the Word Bank Group on Supporting Private Sector Innovation to Meet Energy Access Targets
October 3, 2017, Washington DC
Interview with Steve Mitnick, Editor-in Chief, Public Utilities Fortnightly
August PUF 2.0 (Digital Version). August 15, 2017, Washington DC
Interview with Bill Padley, Talk Radio Europe
August 10, 2017, Europe
Guest lecture on Simply Electrifying to China Shenhua Group Corporation Limited
Georgetown University School of Continuing Studies course titled Corporate Green-Energy Transformation and Overseas Project Investment and Financing. May 4, 2017, Washington, DC
Presentation on the Annual Looking Forward Report: Strategic Issues Facing the Electricity Business.
To the Southwest Power Pool Board of Directors and Members Committee. April 25, 2017, Tulsa, Oklahoma